15 Resolutions for my 30th Birthday

I think it's lucky to be born is June.  It's right, smack-dab in the middle of the year meaning you get presents every 6 months (hello, Christmas) and you can reassess your New Year's resolutions to make the rest of the year, the BEST of the year. 

I am about a week in to my 30's.  Maybe is because it’s the start of a new decade, or maybe it’s because I am learning so much about myself this year...either way, I've found myself indulging in a bit of healthy contemplation this year.  

Live in the moment.

Am I the only one that looks back and wishes that I would've taken it all in? Sights, smells, sounds.  Sometimes I've been too busy trying to take pictures or have been worried about what to do next instead of just enjoying it. I'm putting my phone down more and being more intentional in the time I have with the ones I love. 

Believe people when they show who they are. 

My mom and grandma have always shared this mantra with me, courtesy of Maya Angelou: 

When someone shows you who they are believe them; the first time.

Man, I wish I would have applied that more consistently throughout the years.  It definitely would have saved my heart (and others) some hurt! 

Take the picture. 

How many pictures have I turned down because I didn't feel pretty enough? A LOT. I'm kicking myself for it. Seasons change, people pass away, memories slip your mind.  Capturing those moments is so much more important than worrying about what your hair looks like or if your arm looks "fat".  Except for well-staged photos, I steered clear of the camera during my pregnancy with Z and I wish I hadn't. Even if it's not posted to Social Media, just include yourself in the memory. 

There's beauty in imperfection. 

Good ole social media does it again!  It's so easy to post all of the good stuff.  You should! But it's also important not to neglect the other parts of your life: hardships, struggles and just plain bad days.  In a culture that is so big on sharing the most grandiose moments, we began to feel like we are the only ones going through bad days.  This thought can begin to seep into our friendships, making it more difficult to share heartaches.  The Lord has us go through difficult times to refine us, to lean into our community and to create a testimony.  We are robbing ourselves of the rewards of our trials and trading them in for "likes" on a page. 

Make my home a sanctuary. 

I love my home! It's not the fanciest or the most posh, but it's a safe space for me, my husband and our little girl.  I want a house that is filled to the brim with joy, not stuff.  I've found that I spend so much time trying to make sure the house is clean that just enjoying it.   

I won't feel guilty for having boundaries. 

This has been a struggle for me!  There are times where I feel like I have been tried to be accommodating or liked that I have inadvertently skirted away from what is actually healthy for me. I'm learning what are good areas to stand my ground and where I can be flexible. Transparency is a good thing, but knowing what to share, when to share it and what to keep to yourself is so much more important! Saying "no" doesn't make you a mean person. 

Accept failure as a sign of success. 

I have been paralyzed by fear of failing before and then have looked up and realized I could have been further in pursuit of a goal by trying and failing than not trying at all.  Failure is growth. We are all going to fail, it might as well be while we are moving towards a goal. 

Be more intentional with my health. 

There is something about having a child that has made me want to be more health conscious.  Maybe it's knowing that my health is directly connected to her well-being or seeing that my decisions and habits are being absorbed by my sponge of a two-year old.  I want to be the best me in my mental, emotional and physical health for myself and to better support Zara and Tim. 

Be more intentional with my $$$ 

I wish I could go back in time and kick my 21-year-old self.  I lived in an overpriced apartment just to experience living downtown Dallas.  Was it fun? Sure. Was is dumb? Absolutely. How much more could I have done if I saved all of that cash.  As I get older, I realize the impact my spending makes for the future and how it can be used to bless others instead. 

Raise up other women. 

One of the many things that I have learned from our church is the importance of mentorship: having a mentor and being a mentor. I have been blessed with a group of strong, Christian women that have poured into me over the years and it made a BIG impact on the way I look at life and understand Jesus.  Now, I realize how important it is for me to do the same for the next generation of young women. No, I don’t have all of the answers (a humbling lesson that this year has taught me), but I can commit to taking the time to listen and love on someone else. 

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
— Hebrew 13:16

Be a better communicator. 

I've not always been the best at communication and correspondence.  In fact, if you know me well, you know that I am terrible at texting. (So sorry, guys.) This really came to a head during my season with Postpartum Depression which gave me some pretty intense social anxiety (more on that soon).  Now that I am on the mend, I am realizing just how important it is to communicate- not only via text, but with my husband, family and close friends.  

Smile more.

Guys, I have a chronic case of "stink face" for absolutely no reason.  My heart and brain are happy a majority of the time, but my face doesn’t always reflect it that way it should. It's been like that forever, ask my mom! So, in the spirit of avoiding a long-lasting relationship with botox (no judgment here if you've had it), I am going to be more intentional about smiling.  

Pursue passions. 

I love taking pictures and I love plants.  Am I exceptional at either of these? Nope! My newly wilted garden in the back yard is proof.  Knowing that I have so much to learn can be daunting, but actively pursuing knowledge in these areas can eventually lead to proficiency.  So, if you want to go take pictures or give me a new plant, I will always be up for it! 

Be Christ-minded. 

This is my favorite resolution (and probably the most challenging). I take my "Jesus glasses" off from time to time and assess the world through the lens of my own heart and mind- and that's not a great way to look at life.  When I try to look at things the way Jesus would, I find it so much easier to walk in peace, grace and understanding. I love that & just need to commit to doing it more often! 

But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption,
— 1 Corinthians 1:30

Quality over quantity

Much to my grandmother's chagrin, I love bargain hunting and the number of items I can get for a steal! Subsequently, my closet can easily be filled with items that I've worn a handful of times and have to toss (here's looking at you H&M). My grandma has collected quality items over time that have lasted her for years.  I love listening to her tell stories of things that happened when she wore a particular shirt or piece of jewelry that she is holding in front of her. 

When you invest in quality, it lasts longer.  Though it's true for clothing, it's also true of friendships and time.  I would much rather have less of a good thing that a lot of something mediocre. 


Do you have any mid-year resolutions? I'd love to hear them!